Jonathan Success Story: Maximizing His Investment Portfolio with the Right Mortgage

Jon is 37 years old and looking to build up his investment portfolio. He had his eye on a bigger home for himself and his family, but he was hesitant to make the leap. He had a great rate of 2.25% on a 15-year fixed mortgage, and he didn’t want to give that up.
That’s where I came in. As a mortgage broker, I was able to help Jon explore his options and come up with a plan that would allow him to achieve both of his goals.
After crunching the numbers, I realized that Jon could keep his current home and rent it out to offset the mortgage payments. This is a strategy known as house hacking and it can be a great way for homeowners to make extra money each month while still maintaining ownership of their property.
With this plan in place, Jon was able to put 10% down on his new home and secure a mortgage that would allow him to make his dream of a bigger home a reality. He was thrilled to have found a solution that would allow him to build up his investment portfolio and provide a larger home for his family.
All of this was made possible by Jon’s willingness to explore his mortgage options and seek out expert advice. With guidance, he was able to make a smart financial decision that would benefit him in the long run.
If you’re considering buying a home and want to explore your options, don’t hesitate to give me a call at 727-688-2851