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Buying a home is a major decision that requires careful consideration. In 2023, the housing market may be in a different place now, so it’s important to evaluate your personal and financial situation before making a decision. In this blog, we’ll explore some of the factors you should consider when deciding whether or not to buy a home in 2023.

Your financial situation

One of the most important factors to consider when buying a home is your financial situation. Do you have enough money saved for a down payment? Can you afford the monthly mortgage payments? You should also consider your other expenses, such as car payments, student loans, and credit card debt. Before buying a home, it’s important to make sure that you can comfortably afford the monthly payments and that you have a solid financial foundation. If you are paying rent over $2000 a month you should at least get pre-qualified.

The housing market

The housing market is constantly changing, and it’s important to stay up to date on trends and predictions. In 2023, the housing market may be in a different place than it is now. It’s important to research the local housing market in your area to get an idea of what prices and inventory are like. If housing prices are high and inventory is low, you may have a more difficult time finding the right home at a price you can afford.

Your future plans

Another important factor to consider when buying a home is your future plans. Are you planning to stay in the same location for the next few years? Will your job or personal situation require you to move in the near future? If you’re not sure where you’ll be in a few years, it may be better to wait.

In closing

I have worked with buyers for up to 3 years helping them get ready to purchase their first home.  In some of the situations, I have helped work on getting a credit score up.  Another big reason people need to wait to buy is they are self-employed. A 2 year average is recommended.

Call Debbie Cooley-Guy at 727-688-2851 to get more information on how and when to purchase a home, whether your first or last home.
Debbie Cooley Mortgage | NMLS #836635
Debbie Cooley Guy, Loan Originator  NMLS #210817
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